August 26, 2015

How to Write a cv


Once up on a time there is a person who is a Job seeker had gone to many Interviews but none of the Interviews yielded a fruitful result  than one of  his close friend  suggested him before going to Interview  you write it on the Paper  what happened to your course of your life  i.e.  your  Academic Qualification, Objectives, Capabilities, Skill sets, Achievements, Strengths and Weekness and Experiences. As the days progress on that imposition become a CV (is my Assumption).

write good cv

In Olden days Resume or CV is nothing but Bio- data. In that Bio- data (Biographical details) we mention our Name, Address, Qualification and little information regarding our selves. But in today’s Competitive world that  little bit of information is inadequate and the Employer is not all satisfied for the scrutinizing the Candidature to call for an Interview  therefore the Detailed description what we call as  ‘CV.’ will play a pivotal role in bringing the call letter for an Interview. Today there are Jobs for writing a Successful curriculum vitae we called them CV experts.

What are the Points that you need to know for writing a Good CV

A CV will be differed according to the Job ( for ex:- Software, Marketing, Director e.t.c) and also based on your Experience (Entry Level (freshers) / Middle Level / HIGH LEVEL )of Job that you apply. But there are some Common things / points should be remember before you to write a Good CV.

A few points in Writing a Good CV

  1. A Good C.V must have Contact Details include ( full name, address, mobile phone and email-id).
  2. Education Details/ Academic Back Ground Details.
  3. Skill sets (In what area you are Capable of for ex. You are applying post for a Software Developer what are the languages like Java/.Net e.t.c or you are applying Back-end programmers Oracle, MySQL-server e.t.c )
  4. Work experience If you are experienced in that Field than mention your Work experience in that field with Dates Mentioned Clearly(When you started in the Company and Left the Company) , Mention Project start Date and Completion Date.
  5. Your Achievement’s If you are a Award Winner in that Field or You had Completed Certification Courses for ex : Microsoft Certified e.t.c
  6. If you mention your Objective starting of your C.V. it will score more Points for you.
  7. When you write your C.V. be careful that it should be free from spelling Mistakes
  8. If you had Domain experience (for the Job that you applied) than mention that it in Bold letters
  9. Use Bullet Points that will fetch more Marks for short listing your C.V. .
  10. Make sure and ensure that Your C.V. proper formatted and with correct Indentation (LEFT RIGHT MARGINS AND ALIGNMENTS).

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